About Us

Our People
My husband and I are the proud owners of Footprints Early learning centre.
After working at Footprints since 2018 we were offered the opportunity to become owner operators. With that the journey has begun to provide a unique space for children and their families to call a home away from home. For over 15 years I have been inspired by Pennie Brownlee and the Pikler institute, in following the biological needs of children, where a stable and supportive environment is created, so children can play out their intelligence to their highest potential. During this time, I have worked within the Waihi community and surrounding districts supporting children and their families through parent classes. We have excellent support in highly qualified staff at the centre - You can read more about them below.
We look forward to meeting new families and inviting them to join our community here at Footprints ELC.
Kia ora, my name is Shelly Murch and I live in Waihi beach. I have a bachelor in ECE and have over 20 years in the early childhood sector. I’m dedicated to and passionate about early childhood education. Supporting children to grow, develop and become themselves for me is the most precious gift to be a part of in a child’s life.
Kia Ora tātou
My name is Natasha but everyone calls me Tasha or Tash.
Firstly I am a mother of three nearly grown children and one grandbaby. I started my journey in teaching ECE over twenty years ago and my passion and interests within teaching have grown and changed within many areas, but one thing has always remained the core of my practice and that is relationships is the magical glue that holds everything together and sets the foundation for our learning.
My relationship with my son who was born with Down Syndrome has provided me with a different outlook on life and a variety of life lessons that I have brought into my practice. This has also cemented my belief that relationships are key especially supporting children’s relationships with themselves to see that they are capable and confident learners in whatever form that might be.
Kia ora koutou Nō Kaikohe ahau, Kei Karangahake toku kainga inaianei.
Ko Kerrilee Wright toku ingoa.
I have always enjoyed working with tamariki and am passionate about enhancing the lives of our future generations. It is a privilege and honor to spend time with little people every day and to know I am making a difference. I have worked at Footprints since 2020 and enjoy gardening, reading and renovating my whare.
Kia pai tō rā
Ngā mihi
I have been working at Footprints since 2021. I am part of an outdoors family who enjoys trips to our mountain house to go snowboarding, we also enjoy hunting and fishing. It has been my pleasure to meet different families and build relationships with tamariki over the years within our community.
I have been a full time Kaiako here at Footprints since early 2019. I love working with children and seeing their little faces light up with excitement and joy while exploring their environment. I have 2 children of my own who also attend Footprints.
I have been a part of the Footprints whānau since 2018. Working alongside my Mum (Leona). I have developed a greater understanding of respectful care and practice with the youngest children within our centre. I enjoy watching their natural development and learning unfold.
My name is Suzy and I have been working with children for many years in both primary schools and Early Childhood Centres. I have been working at Footprints since 2020. I love working here and have been able to build lovely relationships with the tamariki and whānau.
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy is our guide and foundation for everything that we do at Footprints.
Our vision is to create a family within our centre, with connection to our people, and places within the wider community. We are here to nurture and support each other, through manaakitanga, and whakawhanaungatanga. Like the harakeke plant, the young children are at the heart of our community, surrounded firstly by their whānau, and supported by the kaiako, to be confident, capable learners who are secure in their sense of self.
Our mission is to grow empowered citizens that show kindness to others and through curiosity and courage, building resilience that will leave impressions, lasting for life
At the heart of our philosophy, is the concept of Mana Motuhake - Empowerment. To support our children, in setting them up for lifelong success. We believe that to be a happy, healthy learner, physiological and biological needs must be met first and foremost, such as safety, security, belonging, and connection, so their confidence and a sense of self can be actualised. At Footprints we build this empowerment through caring relationships, knowing our tamariki and respecting who they are, and by working ‘with’ children in partnerships such as ako. Children are empowered through being given the opportunity to make choices for themselves, being seen as capable, practicing self care and care of others, and having responsibilities and leadership opportunities. Our parents and whanau are valued partners with Kaiako working together to achieve the best learning outcomes for their tamariki.
Ko te ahurei ko te tamaiti arahia ō tatou mahi Let the uniqueness of the child guide the work
Being Kind, having Manaaki for everyone in our community and beyond underpins our curriculum. Kindness is encouraged and role modelled; to be friendly, generous, and considerate to oneself as well as others. It is shown through affection, gentleness, warmth, concern, and care. It’s about taking our time, having empathy, being kaitiaki to our environment, and giving to others. Through feeling the joy of kind words, or kind acts, children are open to giving kindness to others, which in turn fosters friendship and connection which are vital to increasing overall happiness. Kaiako at Footprints encourage and support children to receive and give kindness through their words and actions day in and day out.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai, Kindness given is kindness sown.
As children's sense of security, empowerment and mana grows this enables them to engage fully in a curriculum of Curiosity and Courage. Time and space to engage in free play empowers our tamariki to take a lead in their learning, while kaiako take the time to observe the learning that has happened, and provide an environment that extends and enriches each child’s individual learning path.
Curiosity/Whakapākiki is at the centre of all play. It is a desire to learn, explore, discover, and understand all that is around. Children are inquisitive to know how or why something is, or does what it does. A curious child is open to possibilities. Through providing open ended play materials, and plenty of uninterrupted time, kaiako support children to follow in our favourite character Maui’s footsteps; to think outside the box, through resourcefulness, problem solving, inventing, teamwork, experimentation, innovation and creativity.
Mā ngā huruhuru ka rere te manu … It is the feathers that enable the bird to fly
As our curiosity grows, we need a little Whakamanawanui/Courage to realise our potential. Courage is not loud or proud, but a quiet confidence, that “I can do this”. When children feel good about themselves and see that they have the personal power to make courageous choices, they are more likely to lead personally satisfying and successful lives . The environment at Footprints is set up to provide just the right amount of challenge at the right time, so children meet small moments where courage can be practiced. Kaiako support children to acknowledge and understand their feelings, to use their voice to speak up, to take calculated risks, and to try something new, enabling the children to fly…
Ka mahi te tawa uho ki te riri Well done. You, whose courage is like the heart of the tawa tree
When children leave Footprints to continue their learning journey we know that through providing a secure base children are being empowered to be kind, curious and courageous explorers. In providing a circle of security, children’s inner strength is developed allowing them to take risks, recover, and get back up to try again.
We are creating “Learning impressions that will last for life”